Chess online chess online vs computer play

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(2) 3.Qf3 No, I'm not making this up: it's the Breyer Gambit. Black usually responds with 3.Qh4 and it's all on.

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There are more obscure King's Gambit lines to consider: You might want to check that game out too: -> ionadowman I suggest playing it against the computer several times, then you will get the general idea of how cramped your position can become.Īnd one last thing, Bobby fischer played 3.Bc4 against a computer of his time. Just be wary of letting black hold on to the f pawn, sometimes this makes your position relly cramped.

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I still play the king's gambit with 3.Bc4. the queen can now travel along it's kingside diagonal because the knight is not in its way, which i believe is atleast one of the mainlines for this opening. d5 simply looses the pawn while d6 which was intended to stop the knight from jumping into e5 now no longer has any effect. d5 strikes back in the centre, and is the modern way to play against the king's gambit.ģ.Bc4 is still played by a few grandmasters mostly due to the fact that d6 and d5 doesn't work against the bishop. The move d6 is the fischer defence which removes e5 as a square for the knight to jump to after pushing the g-pawn forward. which is 3.Nf3 or 3.Bc4ģ.Nf3 is not as played anymore for several reasons, but suffice it to say that 3.d6 or d5 equalizes which is not as good for white. It is important to realise the difference between the kings's knight gambit and the king's bishop gambit.

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